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BREAD by Renard bakery

Renard Bakery is located on the Fernand Cocq place in Ixelles, Brussels. We chose to work with them for their famous "campagnard" bread that offers everything we're looking for for our croques. A crispy and thick outer crust with a mellow and soft loaf to give you that cloudy feel when you bite into it. 

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pain fait maison

SAUCES by Brussels Ketjep

Brussels Ketjep is an independent company based in Brussels and manufacturing in the Flemish and Walloon regions. Brussels Ketjep is free to innovate in order to create new tastes and new flavors without worrying about productivity. Each recipe is developed with quality ingredients of Belgian and European origin.

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Softs by Drink a flower

Drink a Flower is a Belgian startup on a mission to transform the beverage industry with its 100% natural sparkling lemonades made from flowers & botanicals ! Their beverages are artisanal, hand-produced with care, and infused with real flowers and botanicals, reflecting their commitment to quality. With each sip, they share a passion for botanical goodness, nurturing a connection between people and the pure, vibrant flavors that bloom within their beverages.

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